Excel V+ by Cutera

If you’re ready for clear skin again — free of visible veins, hyperpigmentation, and scars — the groundbreaking excel V+ by Cutera® makes it happen. The excel V+ is the latest generation of high-powered, precise, dual-wavelength lasers, and Laserase is the first medical clinic in the north east to offer this this advanced laser therapy.

What makes the Excel V+ better than other lasers?

The excel V+ is the first laser to feature a micro-pulsed energy delivery system that’s so precise and powerful that it can break apart the pigment in the deepest lesions without affecting your surrounding, healthy skin.

The excel V+ utilizes CoolView™ sapphire technology to keep your skin comfortable and cool without the need for numbing gel, even as it zaps and eliminates:

  • Rosacea

  • Sunspots

  • Spider veins on the legs (telangiectasias)

  • Facial veins

  • Cherry angiomas

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Enlarged pores

  • Facial rejuvenation

  • Collagen stimulation

  • Freckles

  • Mild-to-moderate acne

How does the Excel V+ Laser work?

The excel V+ laser treatment works through the targeted application of clinically proven laser wavelengths. We target these wavelengths to specific areas of skin concern, and work to diminish uneven tone and stimulate rejuvenation.

This allows the excel V+ to address skin imperfections and stimulate collagen regrowth by gently heating the upper dermis below the surface of the skin. This process smoothes out fine lines and wrinkles, while dilated veins and capillaries receive extra heat to reduce redness and promote an even complexion. Throughout the treatment, the laser safely zeros in on areas of concern, such as the blood vessels that are a hallmark of rosacea and spider veins, and destroys them while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.

What happens during the treatments?

The excel V+ treatment takes about 10 or 15 minutes and a series of sessions may be needed for optimal results.

The treatment feels like a quick rubber band snap sensation, but a built in cooling mechanism helps minimise any discomfort.

Recovery time is minimal, but there can be some redness, swelling or bruising that lasts for 24-48 hours.

You can see results from the treatment quickly, with visible improvements noticeable in two to six weeks. We will generally recommend a course of treatments, and final results are visible within a few months.

How does the excel V+ remove hyperpigmentation and redness?

Hyperpigmentation is a condition in which patches of skin become darker in colour than the normal surrounding skin. When you want to eliminate visible red veins, hyperpigmented lesions, or diffuse redness, your doctor/nurse targets the chromophores melanin and oxyhemoglobin. These two pigments are responsible for the red and brown colour of unsightly lesions and veins. The laser energy breaks up the pigment so that your body can process it and eliminate it over time.

You may notice that your skin looks clearer after just one treatment. Some lesions may dry up and flake off over the next several weeks. As your skin rebuilds itself over the next weeks to months, you’ll notice that your complexion is clear, even, smooth, and free from veins and spots.

How does this laser improve wrinkles and scars?

The laser energy from excel V+ can be directed at fine lines and wrinkles to stimulate neocollagenesis, which is a technical word for the healing process in which your skin starts to rebuild itself with the building blocks collagen and elastin. The laser’s energy can also break up the disordered collagen in scars and stimulate neocollagenesis to rebuild smoother, more orderly skin. For shallow, pitted scars — such as acne scars — the laser stimulates the growth of healthy new skin to fill out the depression so that your skin is smoother and more even.


See how our state of the art laser treatment could work for you by booking in for a free consultation with one of our experienced doctors or nurses.