PRP Therapy - (Vampire Facelift)

The Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) also known as the Vampire Facelift has become increasingly popular in recent years, after several high-profile celebrities such as Kim Kardashian have talked publicly about the benefits they have had from the treatment.

PRP has been used for over 30 years in many other medical fields such as dentistry, oral surgery and orthopaedics. It is recommended to patients who prefer a more natural approach to anti-ageing treatments as it uses the body’s own cells (blood plasma) rather than a synthetic substance such as dermal fillers.

It is a 100% natural procedure, and it is highly effective not only in the removal of fine lines and wrinkles, but will also treat sun damage, dull and tired skin as well as scarring. It will also stimulate hair growth on the scalp.

There are very few risks associated with PRP therapy if it is administered by a fully trained physician. Book your free consultation now with Dr Rebecca Hierons.


Treatment Prices

PRP Treatment – Vampire Facial
Single treatment (face, neck, hands, décolletage, stretch marks, scars, hair loss) £395
Course of three treatments - £995


PRP Therapy FAQs

+ How does it work?

A small amount of blood is taken from the patient and put into a centrifuge, where the blood is spun in order to separate the red blood cells and the platelet plasma. The platelet plasma is then injected into the desired site, where it plumps up the skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles and scars. When the platelet plasma is injected into the skin the platelets release their growth factors. The growth factors stimulate other cells surrounding the injection site, plumping them up and causing them to increase in volume. The plasma sends out signals to other cells in the body when it is injected telling them to rush forward to the injection site.

+ What are platelets?

Platelets are a crucial part of the body’s ability to stop bleeding and to repair damaged blood vessels and cells in the body. They release proteins (called growth factors) when they become activated by contact with the body’s tissue. This activation promotes tissue repair and increasing collagen to rejuvenate the skin.

+ Why should I choose PRP?

PRP treatment gives a rejuvenated, natural glow to the face. Skin appears less grey, and lines or creased areas are given more volume. Worn skin texture appears rejuvenated and refreshed. The treatment is ideal for patients who wish to restore a more youthful appearance without surgery or using synthetic substances.

+ What areas can be treated?

At Laserase we perform PRP treatment on eye lids, cheeks, mid-face, around the eyes, smile lines, mouth to nose lines, neck, jaw line, chest including décolletage, hands, neck etc. It can also be used to treat scarring and hair loss.

+ Are results immediate?

No, swelling from the fluid is what you will see and feel at first. Over the days/weeks the platelets will release the growth factors and pre-stem cells which will assist in more collagen growth. Full collagen regeneration takes up to three months.

+ How long do results last?

Treatment results vary however in most patients the results last up to 18 months. Touch-up treatments will maintain the results.

+ How many treatment sessions will I need?

Most people require 1-3 sessions. Each set of treatments are spaced approximately 4-6 weeks apart. There is no limit to the number of treatments you can have. We will tailor make a treatment programme according to your skin condition and what you wish to achieve.

+ Can any skin type or colour have PRP treatments?

Yes, PRP treatments can be used on all skin types and colours.

+ How long are sessions?

Sessions usually last from 45 to 60 minutes.

+ DIs it safe and are there any side effects?

Yes, research and clinical data show PRP obtained from the patient’s own blood is safe, with very minimal risk of adverse reactions or complications. Because the platelets are produced from your own blood, there is no risk of rejection or disease transmission.

Whilst side effects are very rare, in some cases you may experience bruising or swelling to sensitive areas, such as around the eyes, but this is more likely to be caused by the needles rather than the plasma.

+ Is PRP used for anything other than comsetic treatments?

For over 30 years doctors and surgeons have used PRP in many different medical fields including: cardiac surgery, oral surgery, dentistry and periodontal implants, orthopaedics, wounds care, sports medicine, neurosurgery, general surgery. PRP has been notably used in several clinical studies on the healing of surgical and chronic wounds without any manifestation of severe side effects.

+ Does it hurt?

Topical anaesthetic (anaesthetic in the form of a cream) is applied to the whole face to numb the area so you shouldn’t feel any pain during the procedure.